Language: Normal Mbugu (M221)

Contributor: Nobuko Yoneda


Phonemic inventory

Vowel: /i, e, a, o, u/ Consonant: Plosive: /p, t̪, t, k/ Fricative: /θ, ʃ, h, v, ð/ Nasal: /m, n̪, n, ɲ/ Prenasalised plosive: /ᵐb, n̪d̪, ⁿd, ᶮdʒ, ᵑg/ Liquid: /r/ Glide: /j, w/

Part A. Types of tone

1. Is your language tonal (i.e. pitch-based minimal pairs exist)?

**a. yes**  
b. no  
c. only grammatical tone is attested (lexical contrast is not expressed by tone)   
d. I'm not sure  


e.g. Yoneda (2021: 279-280)
oðoŋɡóró ‘zebra’ vs. oðoŋɡóró ‘knee’
-póra ‘pull out’ vs. -pórá ‘become cold’

2. Is there a contrastive contour tone (i.e. phonological) in the tonal inventory?

**a. no**  
b. yes, give examples of falling and/or rising tone (rare in Bantu languages, but common in Asian tonal languages)  


3. How many phonemic contrasts in tone? Provide tonal (near-)minimal pairs if possible. Count phonological toneless as one category.

a. no contrast  
**b. 2**  
c. 3  
d. more than 4  
e. I don't know  


3-1. What is the underlying tonal system of your language?

a. /H/ vs. /ø/  (H is the privative tone)  
b. /L/ vs. /ø/  (L is the privative tone)  
**c. /H/ vs. /L/**  
d. /H/ vs. /L/ vs. /ø/  
e. Other types?  


4. What is the tone bearing unit (TBU)? → What are the tonal realization of a lexical CVVC sequence?

a. mora/Contour realization (either CV́VC or CVV́C) is possible  
**b. syllable/Only level tones (CV́V́C [CV́ːC], CVVC [CVːC]) are allowed**  
c. mora and syllable, both units can be a TBU   Neither phonemic long vowel (including diphthongs) nor vowel sequence is observed.

not sure


5. How many phonetic realization of tone (i.e. number of pitch levels and number of pitch contour)?

a. identical to the number of phonemic tone  
**b. describe additional tones that are not phonemic**  
(For example, Xitsonga has a contour tone or a downstepped H tone in specific contexts)



                   ótjí-hakáutú 「ジャガイモ」       (            ) 

Part B. Functions of tone

Note: Please add examples wherever available

6. Does the language have lexical contrasts of tone?

Yes -> 6-1, 6-2 No, the language only exhibits tonal melody patterns.

6-1. How many tonal patterns are attested for bisyllabic nominal stems?

a. geometric: e.g. 2n (HH, HL, LL, LH) b. arithmetic: e.g. n+1 (e.g. LL, LH, HL, *HH) c. fixed: e.g. 2 d. no contrast


omu-tí ‘tree (sg.)’
oru-táví ‘branch (sg.)’
omu-káðéndú ‘woman (sg.)’
omu-káðóna ‘daughter (sg.)’
oʃi-tíha ‘desk (sg.)’
oʃi-ʃáuví ‘spider (sg.)’
oʃi-pwíkiro ‘storage (sg.)’
omu-ðe ‘root (sg.)’
oʃi-vavá ‘wing (sg.)’
oʃi-nambáká ‘froog (sg.)’
ovi-maríva ‘money (pl.)’
oʃi-hape ‘fruit (sg.)’
omu-tukaré ‘weakness’
omu-paŋgure ‘judge (sg.)’

6-2 How many tonal patterns are attested for verbal roots?

a. no contrast b. 2 patterns (H-verb vs. L-verb) c. 3 or more (two distinct patterns of H verbs, e.g. Shambaa)


-póra   ‘tear’ (or ‘pull out?’)「やぶる」    
-pórá   ‘become cold’ 「冷める」
-pora   ‘draw eyebrows’ 「眉を書く」

7. Are there grammatical categories that are solely marked by tone? e.g. SM2SG. ù- vs. SM1 ú- in Xitsonga

Yes -> 7-1~7 No

7-1. Possession marking


7-2. Person/number marker (subject marker and object marker)


7-3. Verbal extension


7-4. TAM marking


Yoneda (2021: 280)

mbavéréré vs. mbávérére
<morph> <morph>
<gloss> <gloss>
‘I was sick (long ago)’ ‘I was sick (yesterday)’
[remote past (perfect?)] [near past (perfect?)]

7-5. Polarity marking

7-6. Focus marking (including CJ/DJ)

7-7. Other functions

‘Tone case’ cf. Yoneda (2021: 285-286)

Table. list of three tone cases

oʃihape ‘fruit’ /-LL/ omukáðóna ‘daughter’ /-HHL/
Basic form (BF) oʃi-hape omu-káðóna
Complemental form (CF) oʃí-hape [oʃíhápe] omú-káðóna [omúkāðōna]1
Presentational form (PF) óʃi-hape [oʃíhápe] ómu-káðóna [omúkāðōna]

1 omú-káðóna [omúꜜkáðóna]

BF  oʃi-hape            ʃá-u  
    7D-fruit            SM7.PST-fall.FV  
    ‘A fruit fell’  
CF  mbá-rand-á          oʃí-hápe  
    SM1SG.PST-buy-FV    7C-fruit  
    ‘I bought a fruit’ [simple remote past]  
PF  óʃí-hape  
    ‘(It is) a fruit’  

cf. A syntactic subject should also be realised as a complemental form when it is left dislocated to a post-verbal position (e.g. due to Locative inversion as in the following case).

mokuti              mú-rár-a            oðó-ŋɡéjama  
LOC18.forest        SM18-sleep-FV       10C-lions  
‘In the forest sleeps a lion’  
Language Name Guthrie code Show on Map A01: Is your language tonal (i.e. pitch-based minimal pairs exist)? A02: Is there a contrastive contour tone (i.e. phonological) in the tonal inventory? A03: How many phonemic contrasts in tone? Provide tonal (near-)minimal pairs if possible. Count phonological toneless as one category. A03-1: What is the underlying tonal system of your language? A04: What is the tone bearing unit (TBU)? A05: How many phonetic realization of tone (i.e. number of pitch levels and number of pitch contour)? A06: Does the language have lexical contrasts of tone? A06-1: How many nominal tonal patterns are there? (Note1: tone of noun class prefixes is asked in P7-1; Note2: you may present stem and/or root level descriptions) A06-2: How many verbal tonal patterns are there? A07: Does tone play a role of marking specific functions? [optional] A01: Please add notes or examples [optional] A02: Please add notes or examples [optional] A03: Please add notes or examples [optional] A03-1: Please add notes or examples [optional] A04: Please add notes or examples [optional] A05: Please add notes or examples [optional] A06: Please add notes or examples [optional] A06-1: Please add notes or examples [optional] A06-2: Please add notes or examples [optional] A07-1: Please add notes or examples lat lng icon
Herero R31 Show Yes No 2 /H/ vs. /L/ syllable Yes more than 3 Yes -21.0231 20.5655